
Hello Fellow Earthling, Inner or Extra Terrestrial Being.

A Nusensist is defined as ONE with a SENSE of the NU, whilst smoking SENSI and being an annoying subjective/objective pain in the ass.

Nusensist is Now a full-time artist flourishing from Brighton England by virtue of an ocd addiction to colour and territorial markings whilst under the influence of multiple sources & influential peers such as Amoeba, Rarekind and many very talented artists including….Isor, Aroe, Dean , Cispeo ,Meta, Zulu, Oddisy, Kinetic & Vibes… a list far too long too list….Learning his artistic skills at locations such as Tarnerland, the Moon and the Marina…days spent on long hot summer days tinted by spray paints n thick smoke.The scene in Brighton was extremely viberant and inspiring with’ Le shop’ ran by Rarekind drawing in world renown talents across the whole spectrum of street art.

To everything that has created our modern world…sincere thanks…..we stand on the shoulders of giants…

Born in the punk vibed era of 1975 in North Devon on a hot summers day. Nusensist stumbled upon art in 2001 and learnt everything through his own experience and through his own unguided ignorant trials and errors…the role of failure being essential. He started because he wanted to be able to do achieve the visions from his own inner mind ….simply…..then it just took doing it! After years of refining his own techniques he finally reached a level of production that satisfied his personal demands.

Over the course of years Nusensist has developed his own techniques to produce his work. He has always tried new techniques whilst improving on the techniques he has developed, a great amount of thought and meditation on each piece of work has been as beneficial as good techniques to the finished piece. I will not divulge these techniques as they are trade secrets…his driving mission is to produce unconscious places that feel like home or at least familiar to the viewer. Art is a matter of perception and sensory interpretation…it is also Tar Rat.
Nusensist’s greatest influence has been his own nervous system and brain which has allowed external influences and helped open himself to his many internal influences…..OrDeR&ChAoS

Education & Inspiration:

No formal art training at any level. An art world outsider, a cultural fringer interested in Psychology and colour theory, Science & mathematical design, lighting & mood, architecture, art deco, classical cinematography, design, there is very little that doesn’t interest The Nusensist. Nusensist has grand ideas not constricted by dogmatic formulaic education….only constricted by lack of time and money…..Nusensist has an apprehension to use the artistic discourse needed to persuade the minds of art enthusiasts (who want words with their pictures) to give credence to something they wont truly be able to comprehend….or maybe that’s just him being pretentious….
Though kicking off his creative direction in 2001 it was not until 2010 that he felt he had gotten to where he had wanted to get too…There were many broken pieces of messed up art along the way!
Trial and error, error and trial. His mantra was to keep trying and bask in the momentary glory of a deluded perception of his improving ability.
Nusensist was heavily influenced and blown away by a visit to Dali’s house exhibition north of Barcelona. He learned to have confidence in how he perceived reality and then communicated this through visual or linguistic amalgamations. If people don’t get it…no problem…do it any way…follow internal instincts…be suspicious of the leeches and get on with it

Nusensist started exhibiting nigh on immediately in his career. Being he started in graffiti and all his works were displayed to the public and his peers. This may not constitute a true exhibition in ‘Art World’ terms but it certainly exposes you to the public in an anonymous way.
Exhibiting in local coffee shops and small hotels he tentatively displayed his internal workings (not external graffing) and was delighted to sell a number of pieces.
However he preferred creative endeavor over promotions and sales and he focused on his work instead…not wanting to do an exhibition until A. His art was good enough and B. He had the capacity to put it on and promote it in a professional manner.
After many years in development artistically Nusensist then approached the Arts Council to get funding for a project he envisioned using his works for an exhibition and developing a Virtual Reality Gallery. After attending a number of creative VR workshops run by FilmTiki in Brighton he felt the new technological medium was a direction of creativity he wanted to attempt.
After a year working on the project and developing new networks and new skills Nusensist had a real plan for what he wanted to do. Funding was turned down twice and on the second refusal it was time to stop scrounging from a government body and to do it all off his own back…PYRart Galley’s concept was born…by ook or by rook…The funding bid helped deliver the ideas and concepts in a complex planned format. He thanked the process and appreciated the learning he had undertaken and has started to put the plan into action. This very website being part of the plan as the main hub to display his works and projects and see where the path leads.
Nusensist has recently held his first exhibition in the PYRart Galley in Hove with great success even if his advertising was a little lacking. With the help of the curator of The House of Place, Nick Smith, Nusensist constructed the space to be suitable for holding artistic pursuits. PYRart Galley is the home of the Nusensist and the result of no Arts council funding.

The Art-noir series was inspired by film noir movies of the 50’s and 60’s. There is not enough black in gives more emphasis to the form and texture of colours and hues. The film noir scene reflected the paranoia of the age which i feel is still if not more predominant in today’s culture, terrorism, financial fascism, risk, unstable systems in nature, quantum and the perpetual paranoia of the end of days emanating from a delusion of Biblical interpretation.

Nusensist’s art focuses on creating depth and space with a clean feeling, to take the viewer to a place in the unconscious that is soothing and relaxing yet demands nothing more than to be enjoyed and not interpreted…he feesl that interpretation is only subjective and so is not a constant that should be placed into others…he finds this discourse of artistic linguistics annoying as it separates real people from the art world as the language causes separation . Nusensist wants his art to be more appreciated than understood and writing about it can cause pretentiousness and ill feeling which is not his aim. Nusensist’s art is influenced by eternity and space and the things that produce the reality we reside in.
Nusensist admits that much of his work has come about through vast trial and error and a dash of luck. Most of human development in the evolution of science and technology have come about as a direct result of accident and failure and i have incorporated these amongst my success’s .
Nusensist’s greatest influences are his peers/friends and true genius thinkers and doing people, Dali, Olaf Stapledon, Anton Wilson, Freeman Dyson, John Lennon etc. To academic thought and practical achievement, progression and excellence…onward and upward bound…expel pessimism… inhale inspiration…4 Evereden it is!